Since most of the learners today have a shortened attention span due to the existence of the internet and high-technological tools, teachers of the digital era are now looking for new ways to keep them engaged.
And with many ICT tools they incorporate, the need to fully integrate them in their textbooks is something most of the teachers believe would be impossible to achieve.
But because of the increasing QR code ideas Google has in store for people to search and the availability of the best QR code generator with logo online, modern teachers are considering the use of QR codes in turning their textbooks into an intuitive and interactive one.
Quick Response code: Definition and Function
Quick Response code or known as QR code is a 2D type of barcode that is readable through an imaging scanner like barcode scanners and integrated QR code scanners in most smartphone’s native cameras.
This type of barcode encompasses a more advanced data conversion system where a user can convert four different types of data as numeric, alphanumeric, kanji, and binary into a set of modules that is usually found in the middle of the QR code.
The set of modules is then displayed over a large square shape output with three large dots called eyes and is scanned through the use of an imaging scanner.
QR codes function as a lightweight alternative for lengthy information where people only need to scan them and obtain the information without needing to do other unnecessary steps to gather them.
Ways on how to turn your textbook into an interactive and intuitive one with QR codes
With the teachers’ consideration to integrate the use of QR codes to turn their textbooks into an interactive and intuitive one, here are the following ways on how they can make this vision a reality.
Link Digital Additional Learning Materials into the textbook
Through the use of QR codes, teachers can now easily insert additional learning materials into their textbooks without the need to cloud up the pages with links from them.
Since links in textbooks are a distraction for most learners and a reason to give up on picking them up, their integration of QR codes can give their learners a new way to learn new information in a modern way.
Add a scan-to-watch section of the book
As the 21st-century learner is also heavily tailored as visual learners and all, modern educators can also incorporate the use of a QR code like a video QR code to insert a visualized representation of the concept they are learning like tutorial videos in solving Mathematical problems, understanding the process of photosynthesis and more.
By incorporating the use of it they can eliminate the issue for students to imagine how a concept works.
Insert a mini mind-boggling game to it
To keep their learners be highly motivated with every lesson they encounter when reading and learning the textbooks given, teachers can place a QR code that directly leads to a mini mind-boggling game that can keep them busy and motivated in learning new concepts.
As assimilation is needed to be integrated for a student to fully absorb the lessons they are intended to learn, the use of mini-games is great to use.
Since most teachers predict that the learners they will deal with in the future are a lot more challenging than before, modernizing their means of teaching is what they need to patch up the learning challenges their future learners may encounter.
Starting with revamping their learning textbooks, educators can incorporate the use of a QR code generator with logo online to create QR codes that can turn them into an intuitive and interactive textbook and digitally increase their learners’ motivation in reading and learning.