Root canal therapy is a tooth cleaning technique that removes the pulp of a tooth root, which is the tissue that contains dentin and nerves. If not treated properly, it can cause pain, sensitivity, or swelling in your teeth. Although root canal therapy is always recommended for patients with advanced dental disease and pain, some patients may be candidates for this treatment without any signs or symptoms of a severe infection.
A dentist in Dedham, MA, can help you diagnose whether a root canal therapy is required. Therefore, consult a dentist as soon as you identify symptoms. They will examine your teeth and check for any signs of infection, swelling, or redness that could be related to the infection.
Here are some basic signs and symptoms that you should look out for to tip you off to do root canal therapy before it’s too late.
An abscess on the gums
If there is an abscess on the gums, this means that the infection has spread to the bone. The areas of damaged gum tissue may also appear red and swollen, which is another sign that root canal therapy is required. Experts recommend that you should try and drain the abscess before consulting a dentist. You can do this by placing a warm, moist towel on the affected area for a few minutes, or by soaking it in saltwater. This will help the abscess to heal and relieve the pain.
Sensitivity to hot and cold
If you can’t tolerate hot or cold foods and drinks, then you may have a tooth infection. This is a sign that root canal therapy is required. If the pain in your teeth increases during or after eating, or if you get pain when pressing on your molars, then this may be an indication that your gum tissue could be infected, as well as a tooth infection.
Severe toothache
If your tooth root pain is severe and lasts more than three months, then you may have a bacterial infection of the root canal. In this case, it is advisable that you consult a dentist, as the procedure and recovery process will be easier to handle.
Sweeling or tenderness
The area below your gum line may get tender or swell when you have a tooth infection. If you feel tenderness or swelling, do not try to chew on it, consult a dentist instead. This condition is known as gingivitis.